Smoking Cessation

There are more than 4000 toxic chemicals in cigarettes, pipes and cigars which can increase the risk of cancers, lung diseases, heart diseases, common colds, oral lesions, and dental diseases.

Smoking damages your lungs' natural cleaning and repair system and traps cancer-causing chemicals in. Smoking permanently damages the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs, making it hard to breathe.

Someone who does not smoke but is close to a smoker is called, second-hand smoker which can be as harmful as smoking the cigarettes directly.

The good news is you can experience the health benefits of smoking cessation as early as few days, you will save a significant amount of money and protect your family members and loved ones from the smoking hazards.

Our pharmacist can prescribe medications to help you stop smoking. Also, there is a range of Nicotine Replacement Products, such as Nicotine Patches and Nicotine Gums available.

How to quit smoking

-Pick a quit day

  • Don’t smoke, not even a little.
  • Toss out your cigarettes, other tobacco, and ashtrays.
  • Avoid people and situations where you will be tempted to smoke. Change your usual routine to one that doesn’t include smoking.
  • Go for a walk instead of a smoke.
  • Be positive. Believe in yourself and your plan.
  • Remember that nicotine withdrawal symptoms only last a short time. Follow these tips to cope with External link opens in new tab or windowwithdrawal symptoms.
  • Take it one day at a time. Once the withdrawal is over; you’ll feel better than you have in years.
  • Celebrate your success and give yourself credit! Tell people how long you’ve quit for. It's a major achievement and you should be proud.
  •  Choose support (Talk to your Pharmacist at SafeMed)
  • Quit with a friend.

A quit buddy is someone you can depend on when you're craving a smoke, feeling down or just need to vent. A quit buddy can be anyone – a family member, friend, co-worker. The person doesn't have to be an ex-smoker, since all that really matters is that he/she will be there for you to provide regular and non-judgmental support.

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